The Secret uses a documentary format to present the "Law of Attraction". This law is the "secret" that, according to the tagline, "has travelled through centuries to reach you". The film features interviews of professionals in the business of promoting, teaching, or writing about the concept of the "Law of Attraction". Interspersed among the interviews are testimonials, real-life stories, and quotes from historical figures.
As put forth in the film, the "Law of Attraction" principle posits that our feelings and thoughts attract real events in the world into our lives; from the workings of the entire cosmos to interactions among individuals in their physical, emotional, and professional affairs. The film also suggests that there has been a conspiracy to keep this central principle hidden from the public. The previews or "clues" to the film, show men who "uncovered the Secret...". On the DVD, Rhonda Byrne, creator, explains that she got inspired to create The Secret after reading the 1910 classic The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles.
On the other hand, OPRAH WINFREY talks about it on her show. Here are the 5 parts of the full show about the secret.
They also passed on CNN Larry King Live.
Testimonial of the Secret and the Law of Attraction
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought." - Buddha
As The Secret aptly points out, most people spend their time either thinking about what they don't want or noticing what they're already getting. Consequently, they keep attracting more of the same -- the same health issues, the same financial problems, the same relationships. But if you want to make real improvements in your life, you must spend more time thinking about what you desire, even if it seems to have no presence in your life yet. This change of mindset can be very challenging, but those who've successfully done it report amazing results.
I was first introduced to the Law of Attraction in 1992 when I heard Earl Nightingale's statement, "We become what we think about." But even after many years of repeated exposure to this concept, I wasn't totally practicing it. I still spent more time thinking about what I was already getting or worrying about potential negative outcomes instead of focusing -- really focusing -- on what I wanted to experience.
When I saw The Secret, the ideas it presented were nothing new to me. I'd encountered them all before. But the personal stories in the movie really made these concepts sink in. Seeing real people get real results helped me understand that this isn't some abstract, new agey concept that should only be pondered during meditation. The Law of Attraction can be used to generate down-to-earth, practical results. That's the whole point.
So if the Law of Attraction is so powerful, then I'd better have some results to show for it, right? I primarily focused on attracting financial and business improvements since they're easily measurable. In the six months after watching The Secret, my income increased from $8,000 per month to $40,000 per month. What's amazing about this is that I didn't work any harder than usual; in fact, I've been enjoying more time off. Just as the teachers in The Secret reported, new opportunities started coming out of the woodwork. Other people picked up the phone and called me. I didn't do anything special to seek them out, aside from keeping my thoughts focused on attracting new opportunities.
Other areas of my life also experienced significant growth after I saw The Secret. My web traffic doubled from 2.5 to 5.3 million page views per month. My relationships with my wife and children grew much closer, and I was able to spend more free time with them. I attracted positive friends more easily and went to more parties and social outings. I began enjoying my work on a deeper level than ever before. And I improved my fitness and started training in martial arts again.
The Law of Attraction is a simple concept, but it's also an enormously powerful one. Understanding it intellectually is not enough -- you must put it into practice. I think you'll find The Secret very helpful in making that shift. It may be one of the most positively impactful movies you'll see.
Now you see, this is a testimonial from someone who already knew the concept behind the secret but didn't fully understand it, and the movie the secret put it all in perspective for that person. Even if you don't know anything about it, and don't yet understand it, it doesn't matter because the movie explain everything from A to Z. Make youself a favor and watch the movie...I completely recommend it!
To your future success!
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